
Journals / Research

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  1. Nature: “Nature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists and the wider public.”
  2. Science: “Science has been at the center of important scientific discovery since its founding in 1880—with seed money from Thomas Edison. Today, Science continues to publish the very best in research across the sciences, with articles that consistently rank among the most cited in the world.”
  3. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases (JVATiTD): “Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases (JVATiTD) is an academic open access publication dedicated to publish research on all aspects of toxinology, venomous animals and tropical diseases.”


  1. Animal Diversity Web – “Animal Diversity Web (ADW) is an online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology at the University of Michigan” – I recommend you use the search bar.
  2. – “The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is a collaborative, digital, open infrastructure that pulls together Australian biodiversity data from multiple sources, making it accessible and reusable.”
  3. Arkive – No longer available; truly a sad story here.
  4. Boldsystems – “Advancing biodiversity science through DNA-based species identification.”
  5. eubrazilopenbio – “EUBrazilOpenBio aims to ambitiously combine the Biodiversity Science and the Open Access Movement, promoting the concept of the openness for scientific research. The project will deploy an open-access platform from the federation and integration of existing European and Brazilian infrastructures and resources, making significant strides towards fully supporting the needs and requirements of the biodiversity scientific community.”
  6. Cyber Taxonomy – “The EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy is a collection of open source tools and services which together cover all aspects of the workflow of the workflow in biology for describing, classifying and naming groups of organisms.”
  7. Tox Tutor: “ToxTutor is a self-paced tutorial covering key principles of toxicology for users of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) chemical and toxicology databases.”
  8. “The gateway to our online database of the world’s known species of animals, plants, fungi and micro-organisms.
  9. – “At EMBL-EBI, we make the world’s public biological data freely available to the scientific community via a range of services and tools, perform basic research and provide professional training in bioinformatics.”
  10. – “NZOR is an actively maintained compilation of all organism names relevant to New Zealand: indigenous, endemic or exotic species or species not present in New Zealand but of national interest.”
  11. – “Welcome to ITIS, the Integrated Taxonomic Information System! Here you will find authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world.”
  12. – “We are combining as much accurate information and as many high-quality photographs as possible to display and describe Florida’s incredible diversity of nature.”


  1. African Snake Bite Institute-Snakebites: a serious read to consider the seriousness of envenomation.
  2. Animal Venom Research International – “The mission of AVRI is to aid in the development of more effective prevention and treatment protocols for animal envenomation (bites or stings from venomous animals) by mediating between involved parties, educating medical personnel and the public in order to reduce morbidity and mortality around the world.”
  3. Australian Venom Research Unit – This site has some pretty cool stuff. “AVRU’s primary goal is to live up to our Mission Statement and become a centre of excellence in the Asia-Pacific Region for innovative and strategic research and information analysis on the neglected problem of envenoming by venomous animals, cultivating dynamic collaborative relationships and producing outcomes which benefit human health, well-being and development.”
  4. Biological Library – “BioLib is an international encyclopedia of plantsfungi and animals. Apart from taxonomic system you can visit our gallery, glossary, vernacular names dictionary, database of links and literature, systems of biotopes, discussion forum and several other functions related to biology.”
  5. Blog by a Toxinologist!
  6. Clinical Toxinology Resources – Some high quality stuff here
  7. “Global access to knowledge about life on Earth”
  8. FDA CBER “The Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) is one Center within the Food and Drug Administration, an Agency within the United States Government’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).” – It may come in handy
  9. Global Biodiversity Information Facility – “Free and open access to biodiversity data” – This is a cool website.
  10. INSTITUTO CLODOMIRO PICADO (Spanish) – This Website in English – “Help solve the problem of envenoming by poisonous animals in Costa Rica and other countries, as well contribute to the scientific-technological development in the country through a group effort that involves research, teaching, social action and production activities.” “Contribuir a la solución del problema de envenenamientos por animales ponzoñosos en Costa Rica y otros países, así como al desarrollo científico-tecnológico nacional, mediante un esfuerzo grupal que involucre actividades de investigación, docencia, acción social y producción.”
  11. “Established in 1964, the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animal, fungus and plant species.”
  12. List of Bite Protocols by Joe Pittman
  13. National Center for Biotechnology Information – “The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information.”
  14. Scientific Journals
  15. Scientific Research
  16. Snake Bite Foundation – “We are an international team of clinicians and scientists on a mission to reverse the cycle of tragic snakebite outcomes through a combination of innovative research, clinical medicine, and education-based public health initiatives.”
  17. Some Scientists from the Viper Institute. Maybe ask them a SERIOUS question IF you have one. Please don’t bother them.
  18. Species+, developed by UNEP-WCMC and the CITES Secretariat, is a website designed to assist Parties with implementing CITES, CMS and other multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs). Species+ provides a centralised portal for accessing key information on species of global concern.
  19. The Asclepius Snakebite Foundation: “We are an international team of clinicians and scientists on a mission to reverse the cycle of tragic snakebite outcomes through a combination of innovative research, clinical medicine, and education-based public health initiatives.”
  20. The Centre for Snakebite Research & Interventions – “Throughout the 50 year history of the Centre, its objective has been to conduct a diverse portfolio of research activity to better understand the biology of snake venoms, and use this information to improve the efficacy, safety and affordability of antivenom treatment of tropical snakebite victims.”
  21. The Global Snakebite Initiative – “The Global Snakebite Initiative Limited (GSI) is a registered non-profit, charitable organisation, based in Australia, but with global membership, and established to provide a collaborative framework to address the neglected global tragedy of snakebite envenoming.”
  22. The National Natural Toxins Research Center: “a mission to provide global research, training & resources that will lead to the discovery of medically important toxins found in snake venoms.”
  23. The Snake Database or their future website – “The aim of this website is to simplify snake identification and to provide information about snake toxicity. “
  24. THE REPTILE DATABASE – Great website about Reptile information.
  25. There is an Antivenom Index, but its not open to the public
  26. Toxicon – the “Official Journal of The Brazilian Society of ToxinologyThe International Society on Toxinology and The North American Society of Toxinology” It is “An Interdisciplinary Journal on the Toxins Derived from Animals, Plants and Microorganisms” You need to purchase it to get access. HOWEVER: they have an open access version worth checking out called Toxicon X
  27. Tree of Life Web Project – “The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL) is a collaborative effort of biologists and nature enthusiasts from around the world. On more than 10,000 World Wide Web pages, the project provides information about biodiversity, the characteristics of different groups of organisms, and their evolutionary history (phylogeny).”
  28. Trove – “Find and get Australian and online resources: books, images, historic newspapers, maps, music, archives and more”
  29. “The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) is a comprehensive resource for protein sequence and annotation data. The UniProt databases are the UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB), the UniProt Reference Clusters (UniRef), and the UniProt Archive (UniParc). The UniProt consortium and host institutions EMBL-EBI, SIB and PIR are committed to the long-term preservation of the UniProt databases.”
  30. Venom Doc – A website about a Toxinologist.
  31. Venom Interviews – “The most comprehensive film ever made
    about venomous reptile work.”
  33. Venomous Snakes Found in the United States by State
  34. – This is a gold mind website!
  35. World Health Organization – Venomous snakes distribution and species risk categories. I recommend using the database search on this site. Great for geographic range.
  36. The Kansas Herpetological Society – “The KHS is a non-profit 501c3 organization founded in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1974, designed to encourage scholarship, research, and dissemination of scientific information through the facilities of the Society; to encourage conservation of wildlife in general and of the herpetofauna of Kansas in particular; and to achieve closer cooperation and understanding between herpetologists, so that they may work together in common cause. The KHS is not a herpetocultural organization but encourages individuals to keep and maintain native Kansas herpetofauna for educational and research purposes.” “Be sure to get out and conduct your 2020 Herp Counts!”


  1. – “ArachnoServer is a manually curated database containing information on the sequence, three-dimensional structure, and biological activity of protein toxins derived from spider venom. Spiders are the largest group of venomous animals and they are predicted to contain by far the largest number of pharmacologically active peptide toxins (Escoubas et al., 2006). ArachnoServer has been custom-built so that a wide range of biological scientists, including neuroscientists, pharmacologists, and toxinologists, can readily access key data relevant to their discipline without being overwhelmed by extraneous information.” See Main Menu
  3. Bug Guide – “We are an online community of naturalists who enjoy learning about and sharing our observations of insects, spiders, and other related creatures. We enjoy the opportunity to instill in others the fascination and appreciation that we share for the intricate lives of these oft-maligned creatures.”
  4. Chemspider – Has nothing do with spiders: “ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database providing fast access to over 67 million structures, properties, and associated information.”
  5. Featured Creatures – “Founded in 1996, Featured Creatures provides in-depth profiles of insects, nematodes, arachnids and other organisms. The site is a cooperative venture of the University of Florida’s Entomology and Nematology Department and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Division of Plant Industry.”
  6. Field Guide to Common Texas Insects and Non-Insect Arthropods by Texas A&M – No need for explanation.
  7. North American Insects and Spiders – A website about North American Insects and Spiders.
  8. Scorpion Files – Really great website
  9. Spider Bytes – A blog about spiders from a PhD candidate in the Andrade lab at the University of Toronto Scarborough.
  10. Spider ID – A website to identify Spiders
  11. “Facts about Spiders”
  12. Tom’s Big Spiders – A Tarantula Keepers Journal
  13. Wandering Spider Information: “On this site we want to summarize existing published data as well as unpublished information from our own experiences with the large wandering spiders in Brazil of the family Ctenidae”
  14. World Spider Catalog = The Amazing Website on Spider Taxonomy
  15. -“An editorially independent, non-profit magazine powered by the California Academy of Sciences, bioGraphic was created to showcase both the wonder of nature and the most promising approaches to sustaining life on Earth.”
  16. – “The annual BigPicture: Natural World Photography Competition encourages photographers from around the world to contribute their work to this photo competition that will both celebrate and illustrate the rich diversity of life on Earth and inspire action to protect and conserve it through the power of imagery.”
  17. Araneae Spiders of Europe


Only the educated are free. – Epictetus