If you have read Venomous Snakes: Snakes in the Terrarium by Ludwig Trutnau, I thought this book was going to be very similar to that. It turned out to be more of a manual of taking care of venomous snakes in general rather than specific species, however, the book specifically states it is not a manual. Here is the table of contents:
The book teaches more technique and general principles of keeping venomous snakes. I have been very pleased and impressed with the content. Its simple, clear, practical and very thorough. I think it is great to get a wide overview of venomous snake husbandry. The book is 135 pages, compact with lots of information. Some people complain that its too expensive for only 135 pages, and I think that is somewhat true, however, it still a very rich book.
Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing ― Warren Buffett